Sunday, September 26, 2010


Hi, for the last time from this locale.

Having been blogging here erratically since 2006 and having only 314 page views to show for it, I am relocating the blog to a more convenient place.

You can now find the blog at

The new location places it under the same domain as the website, which makes it easier for me to manage both and, in the unlikely event anyone shows up to read about the show, easier to find. (I have no illusions of attracting a wider audience; I just want to fail in a more organized manner.)

I'm keeping this account active so that my prehistoric entries about the show, and the remembrances of my friends Robbie G., Jim C., Tucker, and Shalla, will be here for the curious. If there's a way to import them to the new blog, I might, but for now, this is fine.

Let me close by saying that this move should  not imply that I have any complaint with Blogger. I have enjoyed using it and, were I doing personal blogging only, would eagerly use it again. (Who knows? I still might.) I just heard the Daleks in my head chanting, "Con-so-li-date, Con-so-li-date," and they made sense.

Months of nothing, then two entries in one day, and one of 'em's the last one. Perhaps it's the start of a Renaissance. Or the end of one.

Either way, join me, won't you?

-- L.

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