Friday, March 9, 2007

"Risk Management" Production Underway!


At long last, the second Times story, the three-part Risk Management," began production this past Wednesday in the opulent studios of Prometheus Radio Theatre. My sources (it helps when the series producer is your wife) tell me that all of the principal dialogue was recorded in one evening, and that everyone had fun performing it.

Although she praised the entire cast, Cindy had particular kudos for Renee Wilson (lovely and talented wife of Prometheus god Steve Wilson), who mastered a tricky Roma accent for her lead role as Nataliya Tzone (pron. like "tsar"), the Times Universe's most powerful sorceress/security expert. I think it's especially nice of Cindy to say something like that, considering she knows I created Nataliya for her. But, Steve wanted Cindy for Beyondra in "True North"; what's a guy to do?

I haven't heard any of the recorded dialogue at this writing, but Cindy's assessment already has me thinking we have another good show coming up. Now if only we could get people to listen to it... if only we could get them to stop reading or writing blogs for just a little while... except this one, of course.

More as production, and promotion, continue.

-- L.

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